What's the policy conclusion? What data DOES Cass wish to see collected?
Here are three:
1) Disaggregated WAGE indexes. [What BLS publics is disaggregated remuneration unit value indexes whihc means we never know whether a movement represents a change in wages o entry/exit of people earning different wages from the group being reported on.]
What's the policy conclusion? What data DOES Cass wish to see collected?
Here are three:
1) Disaggregated WAGE indexes. [What BLS publics is disaggregated remuneration unit value indexes whihc means we never know whether a movement represents a change in wages o entry/exit of people earning different wages from the group being reported on.]
2) TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) in more shorter tenors. We have 5-year and 10-year TIPS which can show expectation of inflation over those periods, but not 1, 2, and 3 year periods.
3) Trillionths, Treasury securities that pay a multiple of one trillionth of the GDP (about $29) in the future. The traded prices of this security would show market expectations of nominal economic growth and combined with TIPS would indicate expectations of real growth.
What's the policy conclusion? What data DOES Cass wish to see collected?
Here are three:
1) Disaggregated WAGE indexes. [What BLS publics is disaggregated remuneration unit value indexes whihc means we never know whether a movement represents a change in wages o entry/exit of people earning different wages from the group being reported on.]
2) TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) in more shorter tenors. We have 5-year and 10-year TIPS which can show expectation of inflation over those periods, but not 1, 2, and 3 year periods.
3) Trillionths, Treasury securities that pay a multiple of one trillionth of the GDP (about $29) in the future. The traded prices of this security would show market expectations of nominal economic growth and combined with TIPS would indicate expectations of real growth.