As we keep losing our middle class, we can actually see what this causes. The middle class in any society throughout history does just about all of the heavy lifting. Without them, you go Rome. Yes, please invade us, has to be better than what we have now.

The poor, nothing from them usually. The rich, nothing usually much from them either.

Keep up the great work here. The republican party needs it. They are pretty much devoid of any real solutions. The no tax, no party. No to everything! lol I got mine, the heck with you all!

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Something similar happened with Rome 2.0. The Byzantine bureaucracy was so, well, Byzantine, that many in the middle East welcomed the Arab invasion. After a couple of hundred years of experience, they welcomed the Crusaders. Note that the Saracens were mostly Turkic rather than Arab.

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I’m always a little behind on these but does Brad Wilcox not understand how or why federal land is distributed the way it is? By that I generally mean it is not next to either large towns or cities so building a house on what used to be national forest land won’t do anything…it might be affordable because no one is going to live in the middle of nowhere. Additionally, why would you need “millions of acres” to build 500,000 new “affordable” homes? How big are these housing lots or are they intended to be small homesteads? Finally, the issue is not a lack of land in and around existing towns and cities…there is plenty of that. It’s the lack of affordable housing being built on the land that is there because of either the demographics of the city or onerous local regulation. I was enjoying his writing until that moronic policy proposal that I audibly scoffed at…made me question his logic overall.

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The problem with your HVAC scenario is that the Union controls entry into that profession, so that even though many people would like to enter the profession. the Union artificially limits entrants. If it were just am matter of learning how to do the work, many more schools would open up to train people to do it. But the Union will not allow that.

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There is great dignity in work, there is even greater dignity and a sense of contribution when there is practical, ongoing participation, by an individual, in work that is needed and adds value to one’s fellow citizens lives.

Such are the professional trades and apprenticeships, these are professional tradesmen and tradeswomen who clearly understand the value inherent, to the Nation, in the provision of meaningful, practical qualifications, experience, and essential skills that enhance, on a practical level, all of our lives.

We have mistakenly, at great cost to the Nation, formulated a flawed premise that our economic strategy should not embrace but, rather, on many levels, ignore and discount apprenticeships and the trades.

We have mistakenly replace apprenticeships and the trades with too many college degrees that are, at best, cerebral in nature and of little value, and, at worse, a massive drain and impediment to the development of a cohesive and productive society.

The motto, to borrow the thoughts of POTUS John Kennedy, going forward should be, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what your practical, professional apprenticeship and trade can do for your country”!!!!

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"Indeed, few of the nonsensical missteps of economic policymakers are more infuriating than the waving away of concerns as production moved overseas, followed by lectures that of course it cannot come back because we don’t have the expertise any longer."

Moments like this are why I subscribe.

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Autarchy may not be efficient but it is safe, at least if the disruption is external. People just had a graduate level but practical education in that with the supply chain disruptions during the COVID lunacy. Then when the lockdowns eased, we were treated to the 100 mile long queue of ships waiting to unload at Long Beach. Another problem with comparative advantage is when Just In Time got grafted onto the basic idea.

To take another example, one of the reasons the sanctions against Russia were an utter failure was that Russia is the most autarchic nation on the planet.

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